Callington, Cornwall

171 dwellings • Full application • Baker Estates
Identifiably Cornish
The key aims of this master plan were to positively address the adjoining green space set aside for recreation and ecological mitigation, maximise the number of properties with countryside views, plug seamlessly into adjoining neighbourhoods, and create pockets of differing character, both large and small, throughout the scheme.
Well conceived ground huggers with glorious views
Many of the 171 homes are low rise, partly in response to adjacent housing character. A mix of local materials is used throughout and the scheme is tenure-blind. Large mature tree belts subdivide the site into distinct cells, helping the scheme blend into its setting.
Cornwall Design Panel applauded our study of local precedents, as well as our approach to creating an edge condition which reflected local historic examples.
Cornwall Design Panel applauded our study of local precedents, as well as our approach to creating an edge condition which reflected local historic examples.

Smarter than the average architect.
Graham Hutton
Operations Director
Baker Estates Ltd
Operations Director
Baker Estates Ltd
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