Meridien Modena, New Forest

1,700 sqm • Full application & Delivery • Meridien Modena
New space to grow
With its sales centre based on a prominent site in Lyndhurst High Street, this Ferrari dealership required an unconstrained new site for a 1,700 sqm after sales and service facility. Located within 6 miles of their main base, the new facility has become the principal home to Meridien Modena's 30 strong team, which includes seven factory trained technicians and three apprentices from Ferarri's North Europe Apprentice Programme.
A BREEAM excellent rating
The response to the awkward triangular shaped site was a distinctive and bespoke building with service bays arranged in a radial pattern, allowing monitoring from the centre, and a curved and glazed street frontage. A high-quality cladding system is used across the building, offset by a contrasting colour or curtain walling to highlight building entrances and vehicle entrance doors, all adorned with iconic Ferrari branding. The final building achieved a BREEAM excellent rating.

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