Vadatech, New Forest

1,000 sqm • Full application & Delivery • Vadatech Ltd
Technology leaders
Vadatech is a global leader in the design and manufacture of computers with their UK base now located in purpose-built offices we designed for them at Hounsdown, near Southampton.
A contemporary building ideally suited to its occupants
The two-storey building features curtain walling systems with full-height glazed features and ribbon windows defining office suites. Tall floor-to-floor heights allow for raised access floors and suspended ceilings concealing service runs. Crisp building lines define door openings and windows, which combined with a patterned cladding systems results in a striking, contemporary building ideally suited to its occupants.

Let’s Talk
Please send us a message or give us a call. Whether you want to talk to us about a new project or simply want to better understand our capabilities, we would be pleased to hear from you.