Windroos, Littlehampton
Boyle Summers Windroos
85 dwellings • Reserved Matters application & Delivery • Dandara
New urban infill with a distinctive character
Through the firm application of core urban design principles and by using a classic grid structure, this development sets itself apart from much of the surrounding townscape creating an efficient layout with a clear identity.

Our initial commission was to gain reserved matters consent for the landowner. We were subsequently retained by Dandara to help them deliver the scheme, using either their house types or those bespoke for the site.The scheme was subsequently acquired by The Guinness Partnership.
All dwellings meet the national space standards
The approved scheme includes a mix of family houses, a small apartment building, and a comprehensive public realm design including two garden squares. The architecture combines traditional forms and brick facades with modern features and detailing, whilst roofs are oriented to the south to allow for solar power and water installations.
Windroos Key Image Singleweb
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