Andrew Hoare
Associate Director
BA (Hons) / Dip Arch (Dist) / Dip UD (Dist) / MA UD / RIBA

Andrew brings over 20 years’ of architectural and concept design experience involved in many complex design and delivery projects at a variety of scales. He has a keen interest in the future of our cities and towns. A strong design communicator and visual storyteller, Andrew is a keen sportsman having played rugby and cricket at a high level. He cycles as much as he can and is still hopeful of making his test debut at Lords against Australia.
Andrew H Portrait
Favourite thing about the industry: Meeting clients and helping them achieve something memorable.

What advice would you give to a new starter: Stay curious, and keep testing your ideas through sketching.

What do you collect: Wine.

Favourite song: American Idiot (Green Day).

Favourite book: Racing Through the Dark (David Millar).
Our Team
Alex W PortraitAlex Watson
Andrew H PortraitAndrew Hoare
Associate Director
Antonia M PortraitAntonia Morgan
Senior Urban Designer Architect
David H PortraitDavid Hawkins
Emma R PortraitEmma Rainoldi
Urban Designer
Erick O PortraitErick Ortega
Part I Architectural Assistant
HannahHannah Rose
Part 1 Architectural Assistant
India PortraitIndia Custance
Urban Designer
James A PortraitJames Anderson
Senior Architect
Janis L PortraitJanis Ludziss
Pete Hannides PortraitPete Hannides
Senior Architect
Peter D PortraitPeter Duggan
Associate Director
Rebekah E PortraitRebekah Ellis
Graduate Urban Designer
Ryan H PortraitRyan Head
Architectural Technologist
Sam D R PortraitSam Daniels-Ross
Architectural Technologist
Sarajane PortraitSarajane Beale
Office Manager
Steven D PortraitSteven Dorricott
Associate Director
Steve S PortraitSteve Smith
Associate Director
Tony B PortraitTony Boyle
Let’s Talk
Please send us a message or give us a call. Whether you want to talk to us about a new project or simply want to better understand our capabilities, we would be pleased to hear from you.